The 165 Mile Challenge is held from May 1st to November 1st and highlights the fact that the D&L Trail route from Wilkes-Barre to Bristol will provide over 165 miles of trail when complete. Participants are encouraged to log 165 miles (or more) from May to November in order to maintain healthy exercise habits, find new trail sections to explore, and witness nature and history along the way. The miles can be logged on your own time (early morning run, Sunday afternoon roller-blade time with family, evening dog walk, weekend bike ride with friends, local 5K charity run, vacation stroll on a beach . . . endless possibilities)! It works out to a little less than one mile per day to reach 165 miles by November 1st so it is designed for all ages and abilities. If you are just starting to get active, start with 1/2 mile walk each day and add a few extra miles with a weekend bike ride. If you are already an avid trail user, set a challenge for yourself above 165 or use the Tail on the Trail challenges to help motivate family or friends to join your active lifestyle and earn themselves some prizes . . and a healthier life!!