If you’ve ever wished that you could have seen the Canal in the days when mules still pulled coal-filled boats along the waterway, your opportunity has returned. By popular demand, the two vintage 1930’s Delaware Canal films that were presented at the Friends of the Delaware Canal’s September 2008 meeting are going to be shown again.
As he promised, Lance Metz, historian at the National Canal Museum, preserved the movies by converting the old and very delicate 16 mm film to digital media. The enlightening and entertaining films are now ready to show again.
DATE: Sunday, June 28
TIME: 4 p.m.
PLACE: Phillips’ Mill, 2619 River Road, New Hope. The parking lot is accessed by turning off River Road just north of the Mill.
Since the September show was so popular, reservations are required for this program. A donation of $5 per person is requested. Half of the proceeds will be donated to the National Canal Museum Archives to help defray the cost of the film conversion.
To make your reservations, please contact friends@fodc.org.
For more info about the films and presentation, click here.