By Liz Rosencrans, Trail & Stewardship Manager
Trail development takes time. A project can exist in a variety of planning stages before a trail user ever sees shovels break ground. Most often, trail users blissfully traverse the trail without ever knowing the years of work that led to its development. For this reason, its important for us to celebrate milestones of progress. This Spring and Summer trail users will see that progress. In fact, they can expect construction progress along the D&L Trail in our Anthracite and Lehigh Valley Regions.
In the Anthracite Region, Phase I of the Laurel Run North to Oliver Mills Trail Segment has gone to construction. This project will make for approximately 3 miles of new trail adjacent the Seven Tubs Recreation Area in Luzerne County. Our next step is assisting North Branch Land Trust with funding and construction of Phase II. Further south in Luzerne County, construction has resumed at Middleburg Road Crossing so keep your eyes peeled for a ribbon cutting in the coming months.
In the Lehigh Valley Region, the Northampton and North Catasauqua Trail Segment is anticipated to shift from the engineering to construction phase in 2021. This is the first project headed into construction in our Lehigh Valley Gap. North Catasauqua is in the process of awarding a contractor to handle the construction of 1.5 miles of trail, completing the D&L Trail in Northampton County. Take a look back at our post in August 2020 when we referenced this projects progression.
With each new trail project, we are one step closer to realizing a fully connected and improved 165+ miles of trail from Bristol to Wilkes-Barre. Show your support to keep the improvements coming.
Reach out to our Trails & Conservation Department to discuss ways to support a specific project in your community. Support can happen in a range of ways from voicing your support to local municipalities and legislators to volunteering or donating as described below.
If you’re out on the trail and notice an obstruction like a down tree or debris, let us know! Send us a picture at #DLTrailPatrol or email the Trail and Stewardship Manager at Learn more about Trail Patrol at our program page.
Become a member and make a donation to the D&L to support a specific project or general maintenance along the trail. Visit our support page for more information.