Trail Friendly Business Application

Delaware & Lehigh - Trail Friendly Business Application

D&L Trail Friendly Business Application

We recommend writing your answers in a document on your computer and pasting the answers into this form. Complete this form in as much detail as possible to apply for D&L Trail Friendly Business status. Your form is not successfully submitted unless you see a “THANK YOU” screen with next steps. Contact the Program Coordinator (EconomicDevelopment@delawareandlehigh) if you need help.

  • Basic Business Info

    All sections containing an asterisk (*) are required. Your application will not be submitted if you skip any of these sections.
  • When did the business start at this location
  • Easiest way is to copy and paste from a browser. Need to include http. For example:
  • Upload a high resolution image of your business logo
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 150 MB.
    • Essential Trail Friendly Business Requirements

      To qualify as a D&L Trail Friendly Business you need to meet these four minimum requirements to meet trail users needs. Please document how you achieve these requirements below.
    • It’s critical that your business has a trail friendly atmosphere and is welcoming to trail users. While there is not one specific thing that makes your business trail friendly, please explain the steps you take to make trail users feel welcome and valued. (examples: welcoming signage, accessible, seating/benches, pet friendly/dog water bowls, guestbook, outdoor dining, trail user related products & merchandise, public restrooms, trash & recycling bines, vibrant, public art, etc.)
    • Photo examples to support your description of a trail friendly atmosphere.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 150 MB.
      • It’s important that the staff that the customers interact with have a basic understanding of the local trails and amenities. Being able to answer questions like “where is the nearest trailhead”, “where does the trail go”, and “what can I do on the trail” are examples of some common questions trail users have. Explain how you train front line staff to answer these types of questions.
      • Please provide directions from your business to trail access point. If you don’t know or aren’t sure, you can find the information using our interactive map here .
      • Has your business completed the D&L Trail Business survey at least once in the past two years? Visit this website to complete the survey: If no, please complete the survey before submitting your application.
      • In addition to welcoming trail users into your business, you need to provide some basic amenities to trail users who visit your business. We require your business to have at least 3 of the 7 available to people who come to your business:
      • Special Trail Friendly Business Features

        There are many ways to support trails and trail users. What works best for your business, may not work best for others. That’s why we encourage businesses to find their own special mix. In addition to the four requirements, your business must achieve any two of the following six items to qualify as a D&L Trail Friendly Business. » If you’re doing something that isn’t listed, or goes above and beyond any of the options, please tell us!
      • Does your business support trail causes? Are you a participating member of an advocacy, planning, or trail group? Do you and your staff volunteer or clean up the trail or trailhead at least once a year? List the ways you support your local trails and trail users.
      • Are you an active DLNHC Corporate Partner or Business Member? Record the membership level and date you joined.
      • Where can trail users store their gear when they visit your business? The business should have at least one of the following options. *If you are lodging, you are required to have a covered and secure storage area for overnight gear storage.
      • What tools are available for trail equipment repair that patrons can use? You need to have at least two of the following to achieve this item.
      • Does your business host or sponsor public trail events (rides, paddles, runs, cleanups, etc.)? To qualify you need to host/sponsor at least one public trail event per year. Record the name, date, and type of event.
      • Does the business have a regular or seasonal promotion or sale for trail users? What special things do you do to encourage trail users to shop at your business? Document the promotions.
      • Provide links or handles for your business’s social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, etc.
      • Are you open year round or seasonally? What are your general hours of operation?
      • What are you looking to get out of this program? Why do you want to participate? Would you be interested in hosting a tour or participating in a trail passport program? Are there any events, projects, or initiatives that you would like to suggest?
      • Is there anything else you would like to share about how the business supports trails and trail users? If you’re doing something that isn’t listed, or goes above and beyond any of the options, please tell us!
      • Help us promote your business by providing high resolution photos of your storefront, gear storage, trail access, products and more. Upload any other additional photo or videos to support your application.
        Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 150 MB.
        • In addition to being Trail User Friendly, if your business is environmentally friendly, pet friendly, etc. please tell us about it.
        • Is 50% or more of your business owned, operated or managed by a minority population?
        • Recheck and submit

          Recheck that you have filled out all required questions. When everything is complete, hit the submit button. It can take a minute to upload all information. Form is not successfully submitted until you see the “THANK YOU” page. Please contact DLNHC Economic Development Manager if you need help. Please allow 30 days for DLNHC to approve all applications.