Volunteering is an important component of the DLNHC. We could not do what we do without the dedication of our volunteers. With that in mind, we started a new program: Adopt-A-Section School Program, a branch of the D&L Trail Tender Program. This program allows schools to adopt a section of D&L Trail near their community and do monthly clean ups, sponsored by the school.
By adopting a section of trail, students see the direct effects of littering, take pride in their community, and learn the value of volunteering and environmental stewardship. This also gets them outside and into nature.
This is a fledgling program, but we already have three school districts from very different areas of the Corridor involved.
Lehighton School District has joined, claiming a mile near Weissport. They have created a mentorship program between their fifth grade and high school that pairs students into teams. In November, they were the first school to complete a D&L Trail clean up.
Northampton High School has signed on as well, claiming a mile near Northampton towards North Catasauqua. The Volunteer Club and Biology Club will be spearheading their future clean ups.
Lastly, Easton Area High School has signed on with their National Honor Society and will be choosing a mile of trail near the school.
We are excited for these three schools to start making a difference along the D&L Trail and can’t wait to see how many more districts get involved!
If you are part of a school and would like to take part in this program, please feel free to reach out. Email education@delawareandlehigh.org and we will be happy to get you started.
Written by DLNHC Education Manager Whitney Davison