Adopt A Section of Trail Training

Delaware & Lehigh - Adopt A Section of Trail Training


6:00 pm-8:00 pm


Lehigh Gap Nature Center
8844 Paint Mill Rd, Slatington, PA, 18080

Registration Link:

Fall Dates (Sept 14 and Sept 21 at 6pm) are held at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center just north of Slatington along the D&L!

Join us at Lehigh Gap Nature Center for training sessions for the D&L Trail Patrol and Adopt-a-Section of D&L Trail volunteer programs in Sept. Trail Patrol will be on Sept 14 and Adopt a Section of the D&L Trail on Sept 21. The day will include both informative and interactive portions for prospective volunteers to learn about the two programs, time commitments and responsibilities, and receive the tools needed to complete program objectives. Each session will also include a “mobile” activity out on the D&L Trail to test the skills you learned in the informative session.

This event is rain or shine, so please dress appropriately for the weather, as well as for walking on the trail.

  • Trail Patrol Fall Training Session: September 14th 6-8pm at Lehigh Gap Nature Center (8844 Paint Mill Rd, Slatington, PA 18080)
  • Adopt-a-Section of D&L Fall Training Session: September 21st, 6-8pm at Lehigh Gap Nature Center (8844 Paint Mill Rd, Slatington, PA 18080)
  • Registration is required. Pizza, Light Snacks and drinks will be served.

Program Highlights 

Trail Patrol: Through this program, volunteers serve as the “eyes and ears” of the D&L Trail. They patrol the trail on bicycle or foot at least twice a month, April through October, in all five counties answering visitors’ questions and reporting back about fallen trees, erosion, and trail maintenance issues. This training workshop will give interested volunteers the tools they need to become Formal Trail Patrollers. Visit the Trail Patrol webpage for more information:

Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail: This program is an off-shoot of the D&L Trail Tenders Program. Previously, the D&L trained “Chapters” to run their own clean-up events; some groups are still active, while much of the D&L Trail needs more volunteer maintenance. Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail will be a new program where families, organizations, and businesses will volunteer to steward a section of trail (as defined by our Interactive Map from trailhead to trailhead) and maintain it through the year. Activities will include sign cleaning, litter removal, brush removal, and other “light” tasks.

September Trail Patrol Summer Training Event Agenda

  • 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Registration and Snacks
  • 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: D&L Trail Patrol Presentation
  • 7:30 PM – 8 PM: D&L Trail Patrol Mobile Session (identifying trail conditions and issues)

Sept Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail Summer Training Event

  • 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM:  Registration and Snacks
  • 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail Presentation
  • 7:30 PM – 8 PM: Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail Mobile Session (sign cleaning, safety, brush clearing)

What will be provided by the D&L? 

  • Pizza
  • Coffee or Tea
  • Light Snacks
  • D&L Trail First Aid Kits
  • Trail Patrol Vests (Trail Patrol Only)
  • Sign Cleaning Kits (Adopt-A-Section of D&L Trail Only)

What do I need to bring? 

  • A water bottle
  • Pen & paper for notes
  • Appropriate footwear for walking
  • Rain or Shine, plan your outfit appropriately

To register for either event, please fill out the form below, or directly contact or