The D&L Blog Trails

Delaware & Lehigh - Birding Guides Now Available

Archive for: Trails posts

The recently published Eastern Pennsylvania Birding & Wildlife Guide is now available for free! This colorful book provides all the information you need to seek out, identify, and enjoy eastern Pennsylvania’s unique fauna.  The result of a…

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D&L Outreach Coordinator Dennis Scholl has worked with the Trail Tenders for two years to turn a stretch of river bank on Sand Island into a model native plant “garden.”  Read more and see pictures in today’s Morning…

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Work on the Weissport trailhead is nearing completion.  Last week the once jungle-like bank received a dozen new trees, including oak, maple, and redbud.  The new pavillion  was crowned with a red, metal roof.  I’ll…

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On Sunday, I decided to walk off a lingering cold by heading north to Hickory Run State Park. Over the last year or so, I have become familiar with linear Lehigh Gorge State Park, through…

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A recent study conducted by the Outdoor Foundation found an 18.5% increase in the number of people backpacking in the last year. The number of campers also increased 7.4%. Given that more of you than…

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The D&L Trail Tenders are gearing up for a big spring.  We are always thrilled to see new faces, so come out for any of the events listed below, support the trail, get a little…

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On Saturday, one of several Great Lehigh Canal Clean Ups took place at the Weissport Trailhead. Twenty people came out to clear invasives from the canal bank, pick up trash, and remove all sorts of…

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Despite temperatures near 90 degrees, this weekend a group of volunteers moved forward in the effort to clean up the Lehigh Canal. On Saturday, April 25, a canal cleanup event was held as part of…

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The following is a trail update from D&L Trail Steward Scott Everett: “The D & L recently signed a contract with an engineering firm to design a section of the D & L Trail in…

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How often do we get 60-degree temperatures in early March — and on a weekend, no less! Two weeks ago, I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and do some hiking on the Appalachian Trail…

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A new chapter of the D&L Trail Tenders is forming in Easton, where its work will be focused primarily in the city’s Hugh Moore Park. Trail Tenders are volunteers of the Delaware & Lehigh National…

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Do you know of a motivated student looking for hands–on experience in the non-profit, historical, or environmental sector?  The D&L is now accepting applications for summer interns to participate in all facets of our work,…

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