Trail Tenders Reporting Form

Delaware & Lehigh - Trail Tenders Reporting Form

Record your hard work

As a leader of a local chapter after every event you have to submit a report to the trail programs manager.  Use this simple form to record what you did.  It helps create a record of all your hard work and document our success.  If you have any questions please contact the trail programs manager.

Trail Volunteer Report (Tenders and Adopters)

Fill out report after Trail Tender or Adopt-A-Section work.

  • General report information

    Record the activities that you and your group completed, so we can document our hard work to maintain trails!
  • Choose if this was a Trail Tender event (large one time group event), an Adopt-A-Section volunteer (smaller groups who tend to the same section monthly), or an Adopt-A-Section School Program Event
  • Date of Event. For Adopters, list the dates volunteered during the last 30 days
  • Tenders: How many hours was the event? Adopters: How many hours did you volunteer in the time frame reflected in this report.
  • Enter the number of people of participated in the event.
    Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
  • If this was a group clean up, attach the sign in sheet or volunteer time sheet here or email to
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 150 MB, Max. files: 10.
    • Name of the trail system that you worked on.
    • Where did the work take place? Name the trailhead, mile markers, or something to identify the area.
    • Who is the landowner? Enter the name of the landowner if you know it. Usually a park, municipality, or town.
    • Are you donating your volunteer hours to the D&L? This helps the D&L increase your volunteer impact by matching your time for grants and funding.
    • What work was completed?

      Tell us what you and the group accomplished on this day.
    • Write a brief note describing the general work done. Specific things to note in addition to the general work for the day include the following if applicable: 1. Number of trailheads maintained 2. Miles of Canal maintained 3. Number of trees removed 4. Number of Signs Installed or Repaired 5. Number of Trail Amenities installed or repaired (benches, picnic tables, fences, maps, for example) 6. Number of Canal Locks maintained (brush removal, trash clean-up, repairs) 7. Other historic structures maintained
    • Did you clean-up, remove brush, improve the trail, or any other maintenance on a section of trail? If yes, record the distance in miles.
      Please enter a number from 0 to 20.
    • Did you clean-up, repair, or improve a section of canal? If yes, record the distance in miles.
      Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
    • If you picked up trash and put it in bags, approximately how many large bags of trash did you remove. A bag of trash is roughly 20 pounds.
      Please enter a number from 0 to 50.
    • Record any other work not captured by the above questions or any general issues.
    • Have any photos or videos to share? We love seeing action shots, before / after photos, and group photos! Or email photos to
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 150 MB, Max. files: 10.