Trail Towns Event Projects

Delaware & Lehigh - Trail Towns Event Projects

Events that occur on the D&L Trail and other trails in our area are a great way to introduce new people to trails, increase excitement for local resources, promote healthy lifestyles, and encourage tourism.  Hosting an event that uses a trail is a great way to create a trail friendly atmosphere in your community for both residents and visitors.

D&L Trail Town Event Projects

The DLNHC is offering reimbursement funding for events that benefit and target trail users by promoting local economic development, improving community health, diversify trail funding, and/or enhancing resource conservation and stewardship.  The funding priority is to support events that get people out on trails and showcase what an important resource they are.  New events are especially encouraged, but some reoccurring events may be eligible for funding.

While not every landowner, section, or trailhead can host trail events, making the efforts to provide the trail related events that people want greatly enhances the trail friendly atmosphere and encourages more people to visit trails.  Below is a list of the most popular trail events:

  • Art Installations – temporary art shows
  • Bicycle events – group and guided rides, gear checkups, safety programs
  • Business tours with multiple stops
  • Cleanup events
  • Community events that encourage trail use and activity
  • Farmers markets and plant sales
  • Festivals, fairs, carnivals that involve the Trail Town business community
  • Historical reenactments/Heritage based events
  • Live music – Summer concert series, community celebration
  • Multi-day excursions
  • Pet friendly events
  • Running/walking events – 5K, half marathon, full marathon, memorial walks, educational walks
  • Yoga and/or meditation session

General Requirements

  • Event must take place on a trail.  Any type of trail is acceptable (hiking, multi-use, biking, or water trail).
  • Event must take place in either Luzerne, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and/or Bucks County.
  • Funding request maximum of $2,000.  Requires a dollar for dollar (50/50) cash match.
    • Cash costs can include materials, labor, salaries, rentals, contracts, or other cash costs that can be documented.  No in-kind services or volunteer hours can count towards match.
  • Event must be open for anyone to participate.  Can be a free or paid event.
  • Event must not impede or block other general trail use.
  • Priority is given to events that use the D&L Trail.
  • Priority is given to landowners that actively participate in the D&L Trail Ownership Council and current D&L Trail Friendly Business members.
  • Priority is given to new events or events that are adding a new aspect because of this funding.
  • You are required to do a media announcement thanking the DLNHC and funders.


  • Who is eligible?
    • Non-profit organizations with tax-exempt 501c3 status 
    • Municipalities, municipal agencies (COG, MPO, municipal authority), county government
    • Educational institutions 
    • DLNHC Trail Friendly Businesses 
    • Boy / Girl Scout Leadership/ Service Project Candidates
    • Priority is given to landowners that actively participate in the D&L Trail Ownership Council and current D&L Trail Friendly Business members.
  • What events are eligible?
  • What events are ineligible?
    • Events that are not located on a trail in the 5-county corridor of the D&L Trail.
  • Application Restrictions 
    • Each applicant is limited to a maximum of two project applications per calendar year (event, amenity or a combination). Applicants with multiple project ideas are encouraged to contact the program manager for advice on prioritizing your projects.  Applicants are strongly discouraged from repeatedly applying for funding to support the same project. 
    • Trail Town funding will be spread throughout the five-county corridor each year. Multiple requests for the same Trail Town may be turned down based on available funds for each area/region.

If you have any questions about the project reimbursement or want to discuss your event, contact the Economic Development Manager via email or call 610-923-3548 ext. 229.

For the event funding application below, we recommend:

  1. Call or email the program coordinator to review your ideas before you apply.
  2. Fill out all answers to the application on a document that you can save in case of a technology problem.  Here is a word document you can use.
  3. Fill out the project planning budget spreadsheet to outline the costs with the proposed project.
  4. Copy and paste everything into the application below. There is a save and continue button at the bottom if you run into trouble.
  5. If you skip a *required portion, your application will not be accepted.
  6. Your application is submitted if you get the thank you page and an email confirmation copy.
  7. If you have an issue, contact the program coordinator for help.
  8. You can find the Event Project Funding Closeout here.
  9. Applications are reviewed on the first Monday of the month – please be sure to submit your application in time to be reviewed.

Event Project Funding Application

Trail Towns Event Projects

  • Select one of the following. Individuals are not eligible to receive this funding. Proof of 501C3/4 required.
  • What general kind of event is this? 5K run, bike ride, fishing event, etc.
  • What trail(s) does this event use? List the name(s).
  • List the town, area of trail, or some other description of where the event takes place.
  • Who owns the trail(s)?
  • Do you have written permission and/or permits from the landowners? If you have attained landowner permission in writing, please upload a copy of the letter.
  • Is this the first time the event is being hosted or is it a reoccurring event? If this is an annual event, please describe what new way you are highlighting the trail this year in the "other" box.
  • Do participants have to pay to attend event?
  • Is this event a fundraiser for a non-profit group?
  • Do any profits from the event go to a private source?
  • Is there any overall goal or purpose for the event?
  • Give a general description of the event.
  • Tell us about the type of people that participate in this event.
  • How many people are estimated to participate?
  • How much reimbursement funding are you requesting from this grant? $2,000 dollar max.
    Please enter a number less than or equal to 2500.
  • Requires a 50/50 (dollar for dollar) match.
  • What is the name of the source of the match funding?
  • Grant request amount + match amount. Grant requires a dollar for dollar cash match. For example if you request $600 of grant funds, the total event cash cost has to be at least $1200. You will have to document all expenses for final reimbursement.
  • Describe what you will use the grant funds for.
  • Upload a copy of the estimated budget planning worksheet to document what you plan to spend grant funds on. Please also indicate your match source.
    Max. file size: 150 MB.
  • How will your event create a trail friendly atmosphere? Explain how the event will diversify trail funding, impact local economic development, improve community health, enhance resource conservation and stewardship, or connect with the Heritage Area of the D&L Trail.
  • Please write any other comments or questions you have.